.which article constitute in Kashmir ?

 Article 370 constitute in Jammu & Kashmir. We can  understand to article 370 as a special status of Jammu Kashmir. It has a long and significance background.
Now I am explaining a brief summary about Article 370.

Consequences of article 370 –

1. Secessionism spread to other states -
                                                                 The venomous tendencies of secessionism and separatism, strengthened by those, who incorporated the baneful Article 370 in the Indian Constitution, later on spread to Nagaland, Meghalaya, Mizoram and the Punjab.

2.  Regionalism and parochialism  -
                                                             The Article 370 tanned and fed the forces of regionalism, provincialism, parochialism and obscurantism. It created regional conflicts, collisions and controversies in truncated India.

3.  Denial of Fundamental right to purchase property -
                                                                                           Under Article 370, citizens of India cannot purchase immovable property in the State of Jammu and Kashmir, but the people of Kashmir can purchase property in other states of India.

4.  Deprivation of the right to vote -
                                                        The citizens of India cannot become the citizens of Jammu and Kashmir. Due to Article 370, they are deprived of their right to vote in the elections to the state assembly or municipal council or Panchayats. 

5.  Denial of Jobs -
                                 On account of Article 370, Indian citizens cannot get jobs in the state of Jammu and Kashmir. All the jobs in the state are reserved for the citizens of the state. 

6. Detrimental to women of the state -
                                                           Article 370 is highly detrimental to the women, who are even born and brought up in the state of Jammu and Kashmir. If a woman, who is permanent citizen of the state, gets, married to a man who is not a citizen of the state, she loses her properly. She is deprived of even her ancestral property. In the state of Jammu and Kashmir, domicile certificates issued to women are valid up to their marriage only. They have to acquire fresh 'Permanent Residence Certificate' after their marriage.