About Database Comparisons

In most cases, you would want your database to support various types of relations; such databases, particularly if designed correctly, can dramatically improve the speed of data retrieval as well as being easier to maintain. Ideally, you will want to avoid the replication of data within a database to keep a high level of integrity, otherwise changes to one field will have to be made manually to those that are related.

While several flat-files can be combined in such a way as to be able to emulate some of the behaviours of a relational database, it can prove to be slower in practice. A single connection to a relational database can access all the tables within that database; whereas a flat file implementation of the same data would result in a new file open operation for each table.

All the sorting for flat-file databases need to be done at the script level. Relational databases have functions that can sort and filter the data so the results that are sent to the script are pretty much what you need to work with. It is often quicker to sort the results before they are returned to the script than to have them sorted via a script, few scripting languages are designed to filter data effectively and so the more functions a database supports, the less work a script has to do.

If you are only working with a small amount of data that is rarely updated then a full blown relational database solution can be considered overkill. Flat-file databases are not as scaleable as the relational model, so if you are looking for a suitable database for more frequent and heavy use then a relational database is probably more suitable.