About Relational Database

The relational databases such as MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle, have a much more logical structure in the way that it stores data. Tables can be used to represent real world objects, with each field acting like an attribute. For example, a table called books could have the columns title, author and ISBN, which describe the details of each book where each row in the table is a new book.

The "relation" comes from the fact that the tables can be linked to each other, for example the author of a book could be cross-referenced with the authors table (assuming there was one) to provide more information about the author. These kind of relations can be quite complex in nature, and would be hard to replicate in the standard flat-file format.

One major advantage of the relational model is that, if a database is designed efficiently, there should be no duplication of any data; helping to maintain database integrity. This can also represent a huge saving in file size, which is important when dealing with large volumes of data. Having said that, joining large tables to each other to get the data required for a query can be quite heavy on the processor; so in some cases, particularly when data is read only, it can be beneficial to have some duplicate data in a relational database.

Relational databases also have functions "built in" that help them to retrieve, sort and edit the data in many different ways. These functions save script designers from having to worry about filtering out the results that they get, and so can go quite some way to speeding up the development and production of web applications.