What is Flat-File Database

Flat-File Database-
                                     The flat-file style of database are ideal for small amounts of data that needs to be human readable or edited by hand. Essentially all they are made up of is a set of strings in one or more files that can be parsed to get the information they store; great for storing simple lists and data values, but can get complicated when you try to replicate more complex data structures. That's not to say that it is impossible to store complex data in a flat-file database; just that doing so can be more costly in time and processing power compared to a relational database. The methods used for storing the more complex data types, are also likely to render the file unreadable and un-editable to anyone looking after the database.
The typical flat-file database is split up using a common delimiter. If the data is simple enough, this could be a comma, but more complex strings are usually split up using tabs, new lines or a combination of characters not likely to be found in the record itself.
One of the main problems with using flat files for even a semi-active database is the fact that it is very prone to corruption. There is no inherent locking mechanism that detects when a file is being used or modified, and so this has to be done on the script level. Even if care is taken to lock and unlock the file on each access, a busy script can cause a "race condition" and it is possible for a file to be wiped clean by two or more processes that are fighting for the lock; the timing of your file locks will become more and more important as a site gets busy.

Database Management (DBM) Layer

                                                     The Database Management Layer allows script programmers to store information as a pair of strings; a key, which is used to find the associated value. Essentially, a DBM adds more functionality and better sortation during storage to the binary flat-files that it uses. There are several versions of DBMs available, but the most popular is the Berkley Database Manager; also known as the Berkley DB.

The Berkley DB is an improvement over normal flat-files, as it provides a way for programmers to use the database without having to worry about how the data is stored or how to retrieve the values. Retrieval of data using the Berkley DB is often much faster than from a flat-file, with the time savings being made by storing data in a way that speeds up the locating of a specific key-value pair.
Creating, editing and deleting data when using the Berkley DB is actually quite simple; once the database has been tied to the script you just use and manipulate the variables as normal. The problem of file locking that plagues flat-file databases is still apparent when using DBM, so you should still take care when planning scripts that utilize it..