Benefits of Ideal Compensation System

  • An ideal compensation system will have positive impact on the efficiency and results produced by employees. It will encourage the employees to perform better and achieve the standards fixed.

  • It will enhance the process of job evaluation. It will also help in setting up an ideal job evaluation and the set standards would be more realistic and achievable.

  • Such a system should be well defined and uniform. It will be apply to all the levels of the organization as a general system.

  • The system should be simple and flexible so that every employee would be able to compute his own compensation receivable.

  • It should be easy to implement, should not result in exploitation of workers.

  • It will raise the morale, efficiency and cooperation among the workers. It, being just and fair would provide satisfaction to the workers.

  • Such system would help management in complying with the various labor acts.

  • Such system should also solve disputes between the employee union and management.

  • The system should follow the management principle of equal pay.

  • It should motivate and encouragement those who perform better and should provide opportunities for those who wish to excel.

  • Sound Compensation/Reward System brings peace in the relationship of employer and employees.

  • It aims at creating a healthy competition among them and encourages employees to work hard and efficiently.

  • The system provides growth and advancement opportunities to the deserving employees.

  • The perfect compensation system provides platform for happy and satisfied workforce. This minimizes the labour turnover. The organization enjoys the stability.

  • The organization is able to retain the best talent by providing them adequate compensation thereby stopping them from switching over to another job.

  • The business organization can think of expansion and growth if it has the support of skillful, talented and happy workforce.

  • The sound compensation system is hallmark of organization’s success and prosperity. The success and stability of organization is measured with pay-package it provides to its employees.